Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES)

How to… Engage solar PV contractors for your school

This short video takes you through the process of engaging a solar PV panel installer for your school, from how to invite quotes through to the questions you should be asking to help you make your decision.

This resource is particularly useful for any school involved in the Oxfordshire County Council low-interest loan scheme. However, any school looking to install rooftop solar PV will benefit from finding out the best way to engage an installer.

It covers:

  1. How to secure funding and finances
  2. What you need to do
  3. Inviting installers to quote – what you need to know
  4. Choosing a contractor

Watch the short video below. It can also be found on YouTube here.

Why install rooftop solar?

Installing solar PV panels on your school roofs can help you save money on your energy bills as you can use the clean electricity generated right on site. They also illustrate your school’s commitment to climate action in the community as well as being a valuable educational tool for your students.

What is the Oxfordshire County Council loan scheme?

Oxfordshire County Council offered county-maintained schools the opportunity to apply for a no-interest loan to help them install LED lighting and/or solar PV panels.

This offer is currently closed to new applicants. However, if you are a county-maintained school and would like to register your interest to hear about any future funding opportunities, please complete this short form.

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