Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES)


News, blogs and case studies from the project. Don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter.

  • Blog

    Boiler Room Insulation

    This post addresses the importance of improving the insulation in your school boiler room. Why address your boiler room insulation? Most schools will have one or more boiler rooms with hot pipework covered with insulation. However, often there are uncovered sections, particularly valves and other oddly shaped pipes. Heat intended for the radiators throughout the…
  • Blog

    Saving energy during the school holidays

    Schools are always using some energy for essentials, such as security systems. However, half terms and holidays, when there are no staff or students in the buildings, are an opportunity to make sure non-essentials are switched off. Reviewing school switch off will help save carbon, energy and money. Here are a few ideas to get…
  • News

    Attention Oxfordshire schools: take our survey so we can better support you!

    To better understand the support requirements of schools in Oxfordshire, we are conducting a new survey for our second year running. Our ACES (Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools) initiative, funded by Oxfordshire County Council, aims to enhance the energy efficiency assistance provided to schools. By participating in this survey, you have the opportunity…
  • Blog

    Schools Energy Efficiency Checklist

    Our ACES Energy Efficiency Checklist is a helpful tool for schools. Find out how much energy your school is using, and spot areas where you can reduce costs, and cut carbon emissions. In a world increasingly focused on tackling climate change and reducing carbon emissions, it is important for every sector to contribute to a…
  • Blog

    Spring savings on heating

    As the heating season comes to an end and the weather gets warmer, it’s important to think about how to manage heating in schools to save energy. We’re nearing the end of the heating season as days become sunnier and warmer. We’re already in the ‘shoulder months’ where heating may only be needed in shorter…
  • Blog

    Managing your school’s heating – active approaches

    How can you adequately heat your school while minimising energy waste? Either on or off The highest level of heating control in a school is whether the system is simply on or off (sometimes ‘winter’ or ‘summer’). Some schools will wait as long as possible to use any heating, while others may feel heating needs…
  • Blog

    Free thermal imaging service

    We are now offering free thermal imaging for schools with limited spaces. The offer is suitable for schools that have had an energy assessment in the last 5 years and are progressing through their actions. You can apply for a free check with our expert team if your school hasn’t had an assessment.   Perhaps your…
  • Blog

    Energy saving opportunities for schools – quick wins you may not have completed

    What are common ways that UK schools save energy without compromising comfortable buildings?  Here are some you may not have yet addressed. Work in kWh Kilowatt hours (kWh) is how electricity, gas, and other fossil fuels are measured.  Many schools know their energy costs but don’t know their consumption in kWh. How much is used…
  • News

    Our launch and survey results

    We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new energy efficiency programme Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES) that will help schools across Oxfordshire cut their energy use, carbon emissions and help them save money on their energy bills. We’re in the early stages of the project and we’ll be adding more information…
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