Action on Carbon and Energy in Schools (ACES)


  • Resource

    How to… Engage an LED contractor for your school

    This short video takes you through the process of engaging an LED installer for your school. This resource is particularly useful for any school involved in the Oxfordshire County Council low-interest loan scheme. However, any school looking to install LED lights will benefit from finding out the best way to engage an installer. It covers:…
  • Resource

    How to… Engage solar PV contractors for your school

    This short video takes you through the process of engaging a solar PV panel installer for your school, from how to invite quotes through to the questions you should be asking to help you make your decision. This resource is particularly useful for any school involved in the Oxfordshire County Council low-interest loan scheme. However,…
  • Case study

    Automation and smart controls in schools

    Alongside measuring energy usage and student engagement, Okehampton College have also undertaken some more significant and costly measures to improve energy efficiency. The college’s automation and smart control measures, heating upgrades, and insulation improvements have all contributed to a more sustainable future and a better learning environment for staff and students. Lighting One of the…
  • "Switch me off" reminder on plug
    Case study

    Student engagement and behaviour change

    Student Engagement with energy at Okehampton College One of the most successful activities the college did was encouraging simple behaviour changes in the staff and students. What did they do? They bought stickers – little green smiley faces and red frowny faces. A team of students went around the school at the end of the…
  • digital electrical meter reading 21º
    Case study

    Measuring energy usage

    “If you don’t measure it you can’t control it” Measuring energy usage was crucial for understanding the bigger scope of work that needed to be undertaken at Okehampton College. Not only was it a great starting point to know what improvements would be needed it was also a great way to get students involved. Measuring…
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